About Churchill High School (Ages 16-19)

Churchill hallway

Student Qualifications to Attend: 

  • Between the ages of 16-19

  • Must be in at least 10th grade


Highlights of CCHS:

  • Credit recovery built into the day, students can earn 9 credits a year vs. 6 if successful in all classes they are enrolled in

  • Smaller class sizes, approximately 20 students per class

  • Overall smaller setting, one teacher in each subject area (Math, Science, Social Studies, English and PE/Health) allowing for you to make connections with other students and staff

  • Additional support time with teachers built into the day

  • Shortened marking periods and number of classes taken at one time, 6 week marking terms with 3 classes at a time

  • Little to no homework if regularly attending and working while here, as well as, other universal supports

  • Opportunities to earn more credit than 9 credits a year if progressing in classes and motivated to take more

  • Dual Enrollment and OSTC opportunities available

Click this link to learn more on how we will be operating during the 24-25 school year