About Churchill High School (Ages 16-19)
Student Qualifications to Attend:
Highlights of CCHS:
Credit recovery built into the day, students can earn 9 credits a year vs. 6 if successful in all classes they are enrolled in
Smaller class sizes, approximately 20 students per class
Overall smaller setting, one teacher in each subject area (Math, Science, Social Studies, English and PE/Health) allowing for you to make connections with other students and staff
Additional support time with teachers built into the day
Shortened marking periods and number of classes taken at one time, 6 week marking terms with 3 classes at a time
Little to no homework if regularly attending and working while here, as well as, other universal supports
Opportunities to earn more credit than 9 credits a year if progressing in classes and motivated to take more
Dual Enrollment and OSTC opportunities available
Click this link to learn more on how we will be operating during the 24-25 school year